Set diversity targets

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Diversity targets can help focus efforts with a measurable indicator of progress. A cultural diversity target is a percentage of people of colour who make up your staff, management, creative commissions and/or audience. Diversity targets can also be set for your program content, for example writers or composers of performed pieces. The British Film Institute has set diversity requirements for its funding recipients.

Many organisations aim for population parity. According to the Arts Council England, 16% of the UK workforce is black or minority ethnic (40% in London), compared to 12% of the arts industry.

In 2017 the Australia Council for the Arts reported that 18% of the Australian workforce is from a non-English speaking background, compared to 10% of professional artists.

How do I do it?

First benchmark your current situation (eg through staff or audience surveys), then set your target, based on national workforce figures, or your organisation’s local demographics. Next put in place a strategy to achieve it.

Top resources to Set diversity targets