Introduce initiatives to support workplace diversity

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Policies, statements and training need to be backed up with positive action in the form of initiatives and programs that get the ball rolling. Sometimes these are indirect courses of action that may only produce results a few years down the line – but the spirit of these strategies are to open up and widen engagement and bring in a more diverse pool of talent in the long run.

Programs may involve good quality mentorship schemes, employment networks with roots in hard to reach communities, hiring via alternative pathways, or placements on specialist training for those from diverse cultural groups.

  • Create a safe space for conversations about race within your organisation
  • Create an environment where differences are celebrated, and provide an opportunity to learn from one another.
  • Develop impactful mentorship and sponsorship programs
  • Invest in Black employees’ development
  • Seek out or found initiatives that connect and nurture employees from diverse backgrounds within the arts sector
  • Introduce mentor programs that go beyond the basics to deliver two-way learning and meaningful career development
  • Seek out partnerships or learn from with organisations that are spearheading equity and inclusion initiatives in your sector
  • Look for ways to engage diverse communities and reach out via community programmes to build a long-term pipeline of potential candidates
  • Make use of networks, databases and directories that put a focus on cultural diversity

This website focuses on ethno-cultural, migrant, refugee and minority ethnic racial equity in the arts and creative sector. Working with First Nations communities and cultural material requires very specific frameworks, protocols and standards that this website does not attempt to address. Find out more.

Top resources to Introduce initiatives to support workplace diversity