Attract diverse talent at all levels

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There are many ways to attract and seek out diverse talent, but not all organisations are aware of them. Efforts to make a workplace more inclusive may not automatically fill your hiring pipeline with candidates from a variety of backgrounds – so how do the organisations who are getting it right do it?

How do I do it?

  • Make use of purpose-built diversity-boosting networks, databases and directories
  • Make use of diversity and inclusion recruitment toolkits and checklists
  • Write more inclusive job ads
  • Make use of existing initiatives that build diversity (eg., mentorship and community programs)
  • Consider setting up initiatives in partnership with other organisations in your sector if they don’t already exist
  • Seek out experts and be prepared to invest in their advice
  • Widen your search for talent by using different agencies or advertising in different publications
  • Try hiring talent direct from high school, university or training college by contacting educational institutions
  • Try color-conscious casting and/or hiring rather than color-blind.
  • Take a fresh look at your screening process. Might unconscious bias be limiting the diversity of your candidate shortlists?
  • Put a commitment to inclusion at the centre of your hiring efforts

This website focuses on ethno-cultural, migrant, refugee and minority ethnic racial equity in the arts and creative sector. Working with First Nations communities and cultural material requires very specific frameworks, protocols and standards that this website does not attempt to address. Find out more.

Top resources to Attract diverse talent at all levels